Monday, December 17, 2007

Domestic goddess I am not...

My friend Kristina, whom I haven't talked to since college blogged about her awesome Christmas present. Interestingly enough, I've been drooling over the exact same thing for ages...and will definitely ask for one as a wedding present. How freaking awesome are these???


Kristina said...

My theory that every girl in law school has a secret desire to live a double life as a housewife holds true. I hope that you get one in one of those great colors.

Btw, I've totally been blog stalking you since I discovered this during finals week. I love hearing about the wedding planning.

Nicole said...

I LOVE Kitchen Aid stuff!! Especially the mixer!!

faithsalutes said...

I have a red one...It has been in a box for 7 months. I hope one day to use it. Probably not any day soon...