Thursday, November 29, 2007

Does this make me a bad person?

I feel really crappy about it, but also kind of gleeful. My friends and I saw Jennifer Love Hewitt at the pool at the Pasadena Ritz this past September. And we just could not get over how cute she looked - all glowy and perfect. Mind you, she was wearing track pants and a bikini top. I have a bit of a celebrity obsession, and like every other girl I know, I compare myself to people whose job it is to be gorgeous. Lame. So.....imagine my ill-placed glee when pictures of JLoveHew surfaced this of her with a huge amount of cellulite! I will not post those here, because that would be tacky. And I feel bad for feeling smug....but it also feels good to be reminded that most people are not perfect, even those that you think are. According to the story accompanying the photos, she just got engaged to her boyfriend. So congrats to JLove! And I'm sorry I'm an asshat.

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